About the developer

"Would You Rather" was developed by Aaron Mader, owner and lead developer of Litiks - a company that builds custom web-based software, based out of Hanover Ontario Canada.

I'd love to hear your feedback. Honestly! Let me know what you like about this project, or what you hate about it. Do you have an idea for how I could make this site better? PLEASE, I'd love to hear it.

Other projects by Aaron

Maybe you'll find some of these interesting:
  • GEO-PAGES - Facebook pages displayed on a Google Map
  • EVENTS-MAP - Songkick events displayed on a Google Map
  • WORKFLOW - A social tool for planning, and communicating with a team.
  • PICTERR - A photo-taking game that helps you become a better photographer.
  • GET REWARDED FOR SHARING - A marketing tool that uses incentives to motivate existing followers to become 'promoters' of a brand's online content.

  • Litiks - My business website.
  • amad.ca - My personal site.